hansafloß münster
Hi! Unsere Website ist noch nicht fertig. Wir arbeiten an einer Version in leichter Sprache.
Hi! Unfortunately our website is not fully available in English yet. We are working on it!
The HansaFloß is a stage, an event room, a meeting place for further education, discussion and political activism. It should form a counterpoint to the commercial and consumption oriented character of the port and show how unused space can be used creatively. We want to help shape our city and show people that they can talk along and make a difference.
Find out what is coming up next:political claim
We are not only a raft, but also a political project. We want to bring people together as free as possible from physical and social barriers.
That's why we actively deal with social structures in order to create a space sensitive to discrimination. You can find more information in our values:
Before we built a 40 square meter raft, we all had little knowledge of woodworking, statics and electrochemical corrosion. Raft building welded us together. We cooked and ate together almost every day, forged plans and, of course, screwed, drilled and sawed.
Feel free to join!
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Einfloß e.V., 2021 / imprint